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General Multifamily

Multifamily Program Information

The SoCalREN Multifamily Program provides two ways to help you upgrade your property:

  • Technical Assistance: An energy and green building consultant will work with you to identify cost-effective upgrade measures for your project and connect you to applicable incentive Programs.
  • Incentives: Improvement incentives help offset the cost of purchasing and installing energy conservation measures, such as upgrades to lighting, water heating, and HVAC systems.

Opportunities for improvements can range from a system replacement to a full rehabilitation. The Program design is based on analysis of how your property uses energy as a whole, and encourages full building, integrated upgrades rather than individual measures.

Ready to get started? Complete our Interest Form.

How It Works

The Multifamily Program is designed to save you money and add value to your property. The simple process will make it easy for you to save time and minimize your administrative burden.

  • Access consulting: An energy and green building consultant will work with you to identify cost-effective upgrade measures and connect you to incentive programs.
  • Get an assessment: Identify the most cost-effective improvements with an energy audit.
  • Make improvements: Purchase and install energy conservation measures.
  • Receive incentives: Program financial incentives can help offset your costs (details below).

Why Upgrade Now?

  • Making your property more energy-efficient can result in ongoing energy cost savings.
  • Today’s efficient systems and durable building materials reduce operating costs and require less maintenance.
  • A more comfortable, energy-efficient building can differentiate your property from less efficient properties and help you attract new tenants.
  • Financing and incentive options make upgrades more affordable. For certain low-income properties, energy upgrades can unlock additional financing and funding opportunities.

Choosing the Right Program

  • Comprehensive Common Area: The Comprehensive Common Area approach helps properties enjoy the benefits of an energy efficiency upgrade while minimizing contractor and staff interaction with tenants. Learn more!
  • Whole Building: The Whole Building approach helps properties improve tenant comfort, reduce maintenance costs, and add value to your entire property. Learn more!