CalSHAPE Ventilation Funding Phase 1, Round Five Is Now Live!

The California Schools Healthy Air Plumbing and Efficiency Program (CalSHAPE), also known as AB841, is a funding source designed, administered, and implemented by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to help highly-impacted schools fund plumbing and ventilation projects. The CalSHAPE Ventilation Program Phase 1 grant funds HVAC assessments, general maintenance and adjustment, filter replacement, and carbon dioxide monitor installation for local educational agencies.
Applying for and receiving Phase 1 grant funding is a requirement for securing Phase 2 grant funding. Phase 2 funding applications are anticipated to open later this year. Phase 2 funding is expected to provide up to $6 million per school district for HVAC unit replacements, upgrades, repairs, and HVAC controls. This could fund up to 200 new HVAC units for a typical school district. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity, so apply for Phase 1 as soon as possible to ensure you can hop on Phase 2 funds when they are released.
Phase 1, Round 5 Application Dates:
July 28, 2022 - program begins accepting applications
May 31, 2024 - application submittal deadline
Eligibility Details*:
California Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply for the grant;
An LEA may submit up to three applications in each funding round; and,
The program prioritizes funds for schools in underserved communities.
This publicly accessible CalSHAPE Webmap Tool assists LEAs in identifying schools that meet the eligibility and priority requirements.
*This is for informational purposes only. The CEC ultimately determines eligibility for the CalSHAPE Program.*
How can SoCalREN support?
SoCalREN Public Agency Programs help enrolled school districts identify and pursue energy-saving opportunities. SoCalREN offers the following services to support districts applying for CalSHAPE grants:
SoCalREN Public Agency Programs help enrolled school districts identify and pursue energy-saving opportunities. SoCalREN offers the following services to support districts applying for CalSHAPE grants:
Perform a Comparative Energy Analysis using recent utility bills to help you identify top energy consumers and facilities to target for energy efficiency improvements through CalSHAPE;
Connect your agency to firms with expertise in CalSHAPE who can lead application development to ensure your LEA secures the maximum funding possible; and,
Support site facility audits to identify measures above and beyond those supported by CalSHAPE to ensure you don’t miss out on additional energy efficiency opportunities as you upgrade your facilities.
SoCalREN is committed to helping our agencies obtain funding for energy efficiency projects. We recommend submitting a CalSHAPE application soon to receive funding for upcoming projects!
Would you like to learn more about CalSHAPE? Contact your SoCalREN Project Manager to support you with the next steps!