About the SoCalREN

The County of Los Angeles administers the Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCalREN) to bring together a wide variety of services with one common goal: achieving unprecedented levels of energy savings throughout Southern California.
Authorized in 2012 by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the SoCalREN provides services to residents, businesses, and public agencies throughout the areas served by Southern California Edison (SCE) and/or SoCalGas®.
Through the design and implementation of programs that impact homes, businesses, and public facilities, the SoCalREN has helped reduce energy use throughout the region. From helping a multifamily property owner make improvements to tenant units, to guiding cities through the process of upgrading street lighting to increase energy efficiency and safety, the services provided by the SoCalREN are making a difference. In addition, the SoCalREN leads initiatives that help cities track energy use, help Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises obtain employment training, and more.
The programs and services offered by the SoCalREN have led to:
- More than $4 million in rebates paid to homeowners who made energy efficiency upgrades
- Energy efficiency upgrades installed in 7,330 multifamily units throughout Southern California
- Lighting and mechanical upgrades at schools, libraries, and other public buildings
- More than 12.5 million kWh in energy savings in single-family homes and multifamily buildings since the launch of the SoCalREN
To learn more about SoCalREN, visit our Regulatory Information page. You may also contact the SoCalREN team for additional information about current and future offerings and opportunities.
Program Resources/Collateral
- SoCalREN Program Overview
- SoCalREN Program Overview – Spanish Version – coming soon
- SoCalREN Program Overview – Korean Version – coming soon
- SoCalREN Program Overview – Chinese Version – coming soon
Note: SoCalREN services are available in highlighted areas served by either Southern California Edison or Southern California Gas Company.